Closing Thoughts

Have we in the West who have brought the message of Jesus too often imposed more of our Christian culture than offering the person of Jesus?
Have we failed to give to the nations, an opportunity to express in their own flavor what discipleship to Jesus is? In Islamic countries like Senegal this is a huge issue. Culture and Islam is inseparable, so when a Senegalese comes to follow Christ and leaves his culture and customs to conform to a ‘Christian’ culture they cut themselves off from their own family and people and lose their platform and right to bear witness to what “Christ has done for them.”
In Senegal like all over the world the body of Christ is divided. One church family mistrusts another, while another church family competes with another for attendance which equals money which equates to keeping the ‘machine’ running; maintaining the status quo.
“When will we realize that it is dysfunctional of Christians to want to build anything (churches, ministries, etc.) other than to build the Kingdom of God?”
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