Closing Thoughts

This has further confirmed my desire to press on to the goal of knowing Christ and learning to walk as a disciple of Christ. To learn from Him what Kingdom living is all about; the ‘abundant’ life He spoke of so often. As I learn from Jesus, my Teacher, I know I will become like Him. As I feel the call to see the local church, and every believer fulfill their purpose in Christ I see the connection to Jesus’ words to those of us who would follow Him to make disciples of every tribe, tongue and people, teaching them what Kingdom living is, and to point them to Jesus who can rescue us from the Kingdom of Darkness and through a journey of following Him, teach and transform us on the inside so that we naturally flow in His Kingdom.
We are at a critical moment; the signs are all around us that the church is weak and staggering. (statistically if you look at those who go to church and those who do not, there is little if any difference all across the board. From divorce, to issues, of purity, and integrity) Saying this we know Christ loves His church and is Faithful to care for His bride and we know that throughout history Jesus has used leaders and parts of His body to bring renewal and correction to His church in its impurity and weakness. And He will do it again!
If God has ordained His church to be the instrument to reach the Nations, we notice a problem. On one side of the Canyon is God’s church and on the other side is the Nations waiting to hear and see lived out the life changing Message of Jesus and the Kingdom. The bridge to fill the gap has to be able to bring renewal and health to the church so that it can fulfill its destiny to the Nations.
By God's grace we are on this journey!
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